Kick-off pilot cohort training

Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes (UEMF) on July 22-23, 2024

The Moroccan Higher Education Leadership Development Project (MORHEL), co-funded by Erasmus+ CBHE and coordinated by Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, entered its second phase of implementation by organizing the Kick-off pilot cohort training at the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fes (UEMF) on July 22-23, 2024. A dedicated group of leaders and managers from Moroccan partner universities came together for a journey of growth and learning, with each university represented by two participants engaging in an enriching and dynamic training experience.

During this two-day training, participants covered two modules: Higher Education Landscape and Governance Models in Moroccan Higher Education.

  • The Moroccan higher education landscape is characterized by a mix of public and private universities, with public institutions predominantly funded by the government. These universities offer a wide range of programs and are integral to the country’s development strategy. However, challenges such as limited funding, overcrowded classrooms, and the need for updated curricula persist.
  • Governance models in Moroccan higher education vary but generally include a centralized structure with the Ministry of Higher Education overseeing major policy decisions. Universities have some degree of autonomy but must align with national regulations and standards. Efforts are ongoing to enhance governance through increased transparency, accountability, and stakeholder involvement.

The training witnessed the participation of representatives from our European partner universities, UniPegaso and the University of Granada, who actively supported the delivery of this pilot training. Their contributions provided diverse perspectives and global best practices, enhancing the overall experience.